The below services are for solicitors who are looking for the assistance of an experienced corporate law clerk and/or a corporate securities law clerk for temporary assignments or projects. The services provided will be very accurate and of high quality, as you would expect to receive from an individual who has worked as a senior corporate law clerk and/or securities law clerk in a prominent downtown Toronto law firm. These services are offered by Holly Crosgrey who is the owner of this website. Ask about our Law Clerking Services if you are interested in any of the following services:
Corporate Transaction Services
Could you use the services of a qualified corporate transaction clerk but cannot afford to hire one full time? I can put together the transaction on your behalf. All you need to provide me with are your instructions or the accountant’s instructions for the deal and minute books. I will put together the entire package of documents for the transaction from the closing agenda to the closing documents books. I can also perform any minute book reviews necessary, attend the Ministry or register online any article filings, and perform all necessary searches required for any transaction.
I have over 30 years’ experience and am familiar with most of the different types of corporate transactions.
Subject to your input, the procedure which will be followed for transactions will be (a) review any minute books if required and provide you with a detailed minute book review, (b) prepare a closing document list for your review and comments, (c) provide you with a list of any information needed and receive your instructions on updating the minute book and finalizing the closing document list; (d) prepare all documents, including any ratification resolutions needed pursuant to the minute book reviews, and submit them in order to you by email for your comments, (e) make any final changes to the documents and send you a package tagged for signature, (f) perform any necessary filings subsequent to signature, (g) insert signed resolutions in the minute book and update the registers, (h) if required, prepare the closing document books, and (i) ship the documents to you.
Minute Book Review Services
I have extensive experience in performing minute book reviews on public and private companies incorporated in all Canadian jurisdictions and many offshore jurisdictions and can just as easily do minute book reviews on companies in other Canadian jurisdictions or outside of Canada. As long as I can locate the legal statute for the company’s books I am reviewing I will be able to do a complete and thorough review of the book.
I have extensive experience with reviewing and rectifying Canadian and offshore companies which are in the process of going public but have not been maintained correctly.
If you are involved in corporate transactions that require detailed minute book reviews contact us respecting our corporate law clerking services.
I will also be glad to prepare any ratification resolutions that may be required subsequent to the reviews, update the minute book registers and perform any necessary filings.
Due Diligence Searches
If you are working on a transaction or other matter and require any type of search including corporate searches, Personal Property Security Act searches, real estate searches, litigation searches, bankruptcy searches, Bank Act searches, feel free to contact me. My service also includes a summary report.
Drafting of Minutes and Resolutions
If you require someone to draft minutes from your notes or to draft resolutions on any matters I will be able to assist.
Annual Resolution Services
If you have a number of minute books in your office or would like to be handling the yearly annual resolution preparation of your clients’ minute books but do not have the time or manpower for this project, I can help you. I will review your minute books, make any necessary updates needed and set the annual resolutions up in my and/or your system. Every year I will remind you when these annual resolutions are due for preparation and will prepare them on your behalf and send them to you for review before you send them out for signature. I will only need to look at the minute book once. After that time I will maintain the information on the structure of the minute books in my database. I can even put the cover letter on your letterhead for you if you wish. The procedure will be for me to (a) do an initial review of the minute book to ensure everything is in order, (b) request your instructions on updating the minute book pursuant to what needs to be updated or cleaned up, (c) contact the accountant about bonuses, dividends, etc. (d) prepare the documents on your behalf and forward them to you by email for a quick review before final versions are provided to you, (e) complete any filings necessary and file resolutions in the minute books and update the registers, (f) on a yearly basis subsequent to initial clean up request your instructions on updating the book and if you wish provide you with that year’s annual resolutions.
Senior Corporate Law Clerking Services
I can prepare any documentation that a senior corporate law clerk should be capable of preparing including preparing share capital, incorporations (share, non-share, charity and professional), organizations, reorganizations, amalgamations, continuances, annual resolutions, extra-provincial registrations, general, limited and limited liability partnership registrations across Canada, etc. Articles of amendment for name changes, share splits, tax transactions, complicated share capital, etc. I have in the last 20 years had an opportunity of working on most types of corporate law clerking projects.