A Federal NUANS Report is required when you are registering a Federal company.  The federal government has very strict guidelines for accepting names.  It is mandatory to have a distinctive AND descriptive element for your name.  Below is a chart that shows the different aspects of a name.  For more details refer to CHOOSING A NAME FOR YOUR BUSINESS.


  • Distinctive Element

  • Vancouver

  • Dominique's

  • Butterwind

  • Descriptive Element

  • Lawn Mowing Services

  • Graphics Design

  • Wind Surfing Instruction

  • Legal Element

  • Ltd.

  • Corp.

  • Inc.

Federal Name Granting Compendium

The Federal Government has established a Federal Name Granting Compendium setting out the guidelines for having a proposed name for a company approved by Corporations Canada.  For a more detailed description of what you need to consider when choosing a name refer to Federal Name Granting Compendium for Federal Companies.  Before you purchase your Federal Nuans Report refer to the above page to learn how this compendium affects your name decision report.


Federal Name Decision Reports

It is advisable to obtain a Name Decision Report from the federal government BEFORE you submit your articles to them.  We specialize in these name decision reports.  When using our service, we will troubleshoot with the federal government when a name is rejected.  We have experience in what the federal government is looking for and how to get around a rejection of a name.  For more information refer  Federal Name Granting Compendium for Federal Companies.

We will be glad to provide you with a NUANS Name Search Report and/or Name Decision Report.

Federal NUANS Report
Federal NUANS Report for companies registering in the federal jurisdiction.