In Saskatchewan you will be required to provide a Saskatchewan Name Search Report for a proposed name for a corporation, partnership, business name, sole proprietorship and extra-provincial corporation being registered in that province prior to that registration being accepted.  Saskatchewan has its own name clearance system and will not accept a Nuans Name Search.

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Pre-Clearing the Name Prior to Ordering Saskatchewan Name Search Report

Since the examiners at the Saskatchewan Corporate Registry will scrutinize the name, it is advisable to have a search house assist you with your name clearance so that the proposed name you wish to use can be pre-cleared.  If after the pre-clearing of the proposed name, it does not appear to be available, you can then choose another name without actually incurring alot of extra cost.  Even though the Saskatchewan government has its own manner of clearing names, all names registered in Saskatchewan are included on the NUANS system.  Prior to ordering a Saskatchewan Name Search Report a search of this system should be done to ensure (1) the name is available in Saskatchewan; and (2) the name is available right across Canada.  This will ensure your proposed name has no conflicts across Canada.

Resources for Canadian Business Owners will pre-clear your name for you as part of the service when you order a Saskatchewan Name Search Report.  If it turns out the name you have choosen is not available we will pre-clear other choices until we come up with a name that does look available.  There is no guarantee that an examiner will accept a proposed name but by pre-clearing the name in advance your chances are usually very good at approval.